Return to your Authentic Self

 Are you being called more than ever to connect with your inner truth?

Your life is changing and you want to make sure you align to your highest good.

Return to the Authentic Self is a unique course that brings alive concepts of our humanity so we can better understand how we have been operating at an unconscious level. By revealing the unconscious habits and behaviors that have been playing out in the background of our awareness,  we now have intuitive influence over ourself to chose how we see the truth of a situation.

In part 2 we go further within to bring to light your individual strengths, values, and gifts that make up your unique self and utilize this information to create a powerful statement you can stand and live my called your ‘Authentic Code’. You Authentic Code will becomes your north light to guide you in life to help you problem solving and help with decision making.

From here, now that you know yourself better than ever before, you get to  bring yourself alive.

In part 3 you will work with your Intuitive Intelligence in setting a course in the direction of your desired outcome. You will leave with a greater awareness of the power of language and creation and the power you have within in living and creating joy in your life. This part is completing all unfinished busiess nd resorting yourself to your highest integrity. Now your knowyourself better than ever and you get to expereince how powerful and mangical you really are.  

Once you know yourself you can choose to shine your magnificence confidently.   

- The Curriculum -