Spring Equinox 2023
Spring Equinox.
Monday March 20 at 5:24pm. This is the time of the year of equal day and night.
For most of my life I never paid attention to the moon phases and yearly cycles. They were just something that happened in the background and never thought they influenced my life. More and more as I have become self aware I can’t help to notice the influence of nature in and around myself. Heck, the moon causes the oceans to spill over, how powerful is that? We are made of water too so it is impossible to deny that we are part of this big cosmic dance in nature’s rhythms.
Reconnecting to the natural rhythms of Gaia is essential since we have drifted so far away with our concrete jungles. The planteary frequencies are changing and we are being impacted by them. We are literally changing too at the cellular level. It is like we are going through a metamorphosis of some kind and it will be important to cultivate awareness and stay grounding in our own body.
As we change so is everyone else in the world. It may get ugly and chaotic out there in the world before it gets better. Avoid letting yourself get caught up in the drama. Cultivating your inner peace. The vibrations you create within will not only benefit you but also others as they bath in your radiance.
How do you do that?
The twelve inch journey to our center is when we shift from our mind and thoughts to our heart center.
If I may share a little experience I had this past week. I really experienced the black and white difference of shifting from my head to heart.
I had a big choice to make. I have been turning an idea in my mind for 3 weeks and I had reached a point where in order to move forward I had to let it go or take action. One this one day as I walked on my favorite snow covered trail, contemplating the situation in my mind, I could feel the tension in my body especially across my chest. The moment I chose powerfully, I was able to stop both physically and mentally. I stopped and took a deep breath and as I exhaled I landed in my body on the trail. I noticed the sun was shining through the branches as it was low on the horizon. The snow glistened, the air was filled with song birds, the trees seamed perky and out of no where, I was feeling relief in my body, calm in my thoughts, I was in the presence of such beauty and magic. I felt expansive and in connection with the nature that surrounded me. They key was stepping out of my mind and dropping into my body. As soon as I found the peace within me, it showed up around me. It was always there I just had to attune to it.
With the equinox to support us, let’s atune to vibrations we want to cultivate in our life. We cannot experience something we do not already have inside. So, if we can start the day with vibrating gratitude in our heart, or engaging in practices that bring us joy or choose to shift our perspective by choosing what to focus on, this will help us grow in who we want to be.
Celebrating Spring Equinox
Fall equinox is about doing a deep dive within as the days get darker. Spring is emerging into to the light. WHat have you discovered about yourself this winter and what would you like to emerge as this spring? In connecting with the change of season, here are a few ideas you can play with to create room in your life and bring in what you desire.
On a physical level
you may do what is called ‘spring cleaning’. It is an action of literally going through your belonging and clearing out what you no longer need or want, such as clothes, furniture, toys, etc. I know from experience it is hard to let go of the sentimental aspect of what the objects reminds us of. And having said that, letting go can be made with gratitude of how these things once enhanced your life for the better and now you are ready to release it to someone else who may have a use for it.
At the physical is also an ideal time to do a little nutritional cleansing. Eating light drinking right.
From the emotional perspective,
you may want to make an inventory of the people in your life and do a gratitude ceremony where you acknowledge all the beautiful experiences you have shared as a result of this person being in your life. If you have one of those difficult relationships that may have been harsh and you may not see the silver lining yet. For those unique situations where it feels impossible to find gratitude for someone. I invite you to ask your angels and guides to bless them on your behalf. Your celestial support team are always thrilled to help out in any way they can when you ask.
On the mental plane
you may want to set some beautiful intention of what quality you would like to cultivate in the next three months. Just like the seeds germinating, what part of yourself would you like to grow and expand into. Let yourself be guided by your intuition for this one. Here are some ideas you can play with. Put on some rhythmic tunes and dance it out with movement. Walk into the forest and release sound that come from deep within your core. Sit in silence, imaging what it would be like to embody this feeling you desire and then draw this expression with colors. Make a beaded bracelet with intentions or even plant seeds for your vegetable garden. These are just a few idea. The key here is to make it playful and have fun with it. Let your inner child play.
On the energetic and spiritual level,
you may want to burn incense, smudge your home, open the windows and allow the fresh air to flow in and through the house. Wake up to go see the sunrise with your favorite coffee or drink. Create a gathering around a fire or simply light a candle and put it on your window sill for others to be inspired by your light.
Let’s cultivate our light. Our life force. This is our job this year. Keep coming home. Home to your Heart Garden. Home to here and now. Presence.
You are my present today. Thank you for being on this wild wave with me. Keep it up!