Explore Meditation
Be Confident in your Mediation Practice.
Starting February 6th, join me Mondays at 7PM EST on Zoom for a weekly class to explore various techniques of meditation so you may ground your understanding and practice of meditation. A new theme is introduced each month.
When I started meditating I had so many questions. I would sit cross-legged on the floor and set a timer for 10 minutes. I would feel so much restlessness and guilt for sitting and doing nothing. I should be cleaning the house or be doing something productive with my time. It was hard to allow myself 10 minutes to sit every day.
Then weird things would happen. My body would start swaying as if I were being moved by the current of the ocean. I wound have blissful sittings and others where my mind was so agitated it felt like a royal waist of time. There were many things I experienced and could not explain. I knew I needed a meditation coach if I was going to confidently continue this practice.
Since that year, I have had a mentor, studied Yoga teacher training, embarked on a year long meditation teacher training program with a Buddhist monk at the Willpower Institute, immersed in several intensive silent retreats and most importantly I have managed to maintain my personal daily practice for several years. Meditation is no my go to when ever I feel any agitation within me.
Explore Meditation
Mondays on Zoom at 7:00pm for approximately 90 minutes.
Learn valuable techniques to that will tame your mind and serve your life.
I am offering these weekly classes to anyone who is wanting to understand the foundations of mediation to feel confident in your own practice.
Each month I will introduce a new theme. the classes will have part instruction, practice and an opportunity to bring your questions.
February will start with Foundations to Meditation and Mind Training Techniques
~ Here we will explore the nature of the mind. Strategies to be successful and pitfalls to be aware of.
~ Grounding and connecting to the body. Exploring the human sensory system to develop concentration and aid in sleep.
~ Movement meditation to increase tranquility and prepare for deeper concentration.
~ Mantras and mudras to help with concentration and positively influence the structure of our body for healing.
March will focus on Visualizations for Healing, and Balancing the Human Energy Field
~ Here we will explore the mind as executive director of the body.
~ Managing Pain
~ Managing Emotions
~ Balancing Chakra system.
April will focus on Breathwork and Elevating your Life Force for Vitality and Resilience
This may be the last time I offer this training Live. It would be my honour to guide you to a greater awareness of self and transfer skills that will serve you your whole life.
Register before Febryary 5, 2023