Welcome 2023
When I tap into the energy of 2023, I feel an exciting energy. It has a spring like feel to it. Like a seedling charged with energy ready to emerge from darkness or the butterfly emerging from its’ crysallis. Exciting times ahead and at the same time, this can also be perceived as a scary or challenging time. Moving beyond our comfort zone is never comfortable. I believe if we just deal with what is in front of us, we can move through changes in a natural flow, and this allows us to grow and experience fulfillment.
We are coming out of a shadow from the past couple years with new perspectives and renewed inner energy. It certainly has allowed me to get in touch with what really matters, being more grounded in my authentic self, and how to be more conscious of my life force and frequency alignment.
If I may share one of the lessons that I have taken away from slowing down these past years. It’s actually a question I started asking myself. ‘What brings me joy?’ This simple question became pivotal in my continued self awareness. It got me in touch with my preferences and what really matters to me. The joy I experience on a moment-to-moment basis is now my guiding light to measure my personal success.
Following my joy has been helpful to measure my success but it is also what sent me in a whirl wind of change in 2022. Things had started changing around me. My kids were both off to university. I did not have to maintain the family home or parent in the same way. So when I asked myself the key question, what would bring me joy, my heart opened up to a new future and this gave me permission to clear, purge and let go of my material possessions and sell my house we had loved for 23 years. It was very exciting and very destabilizing at the same time. I knew the change I was creating was the pathway to creating the experience in life I desired.
Looking back at my whirl wind of a year, I realize how important it was to have a consistent self care routine. It helped tame the emotional storm that would arise from time to time. My clear intentions grounded me to stay focused on what was important and having a coach or committed listen helped me ground my thoughts and get the clarity I needed to take action.
As we expand into more of who we are this year, I am committed to share how we can nurture ourselves with greater self awareness and better able to manage the changes we are all experiencing Internally and externally. How to manage our emotions and mental stress as well as align to manifesting our hearts desire.
If you are ready for change there are a few different ways you can engage together.
· If 2023 is calling you to ‘find’ yourself, maybe your start with the question, “what can I do that will bring me joy”. Then take an action. Notice the changes.
· Join my bi-weekly meditation circle. (email me for details)
· Join my amazing group coaching Class starting Tuesday February 10, 2023. This class will give you a greater self awareness and personal empowerment. (email me for details)
· If you are feeling at a stand still and dealing with strong emotions (anger, grief, guilt, etc.), you may want to consider starting with a deep vibrational cleansing of your emotional/energy field. This will clear the emotional charge in your electromagnetic field helping you gain inner strength, mental clarity and confidence your need to move forward.
· If you are ready for change and don’t know how or where to begin, we can talk about how coaching can support you.
2023 is exciting and it is a time to flow and grow. This is your time to shine. You have it all inside of you like a small acorn has the potential of a large oak tree. Do not put your needs aside. I am here if you need a helping hand to step into your power. Let’s do this!
Be more of yourself,