Inspiring Wellbeing - Episode 7
Here is another Key to helping with self-healing
Working with our circadian rhythms to help balance the emotions, get a quick lift in energy or use therapeutically.
Breath mainly enters the body through the nose and we acknowledge that we have two nostrils. If you pay attention to your breath you may notice that there is a dominant side at one given time and this shifts roughly every 2.5 hours. This phenomena becomes obvious when you are congested with mucus, we can only breathe through one nostril at a time, and it switches from one to the other throughout the day. The body’s biorhythms regulates itself automatically.
If you get involved and start breathing long and deep through one nostril at a time you can soothe the whole nervous system, generate calm and be energized at the same time.
Each nostril stimulates different parts of the brain. It can be used therapeutically to treat various behaviors and patterns.
There are energetic pathways that circulate throughout the body. In Yoga we refer to these as nadis. As a therapist of Trame vibrational therapy, I refer to this network of communication as the trame. This energetic network is what allows all the cells of the body to be coherent and operate in harmony. When these energy pathways get congested with energetic and emotional debris, it affects the wellbeing of a person.
There are three main energy pathways. One circulates information along the spine and there are two secondary ones that circulate to the left and right of the spine. They start at the base of the spine and end in the nostrils.
When we look at the qualities of each nostril, we see that we contain both the sun energy and moon energy. Breathing through one nostril at a time can cultivate those qualities within us.
Breathing through the left nostril is associated with the Moon energy.
This energy has a feminine quality and is cooling and receptive. It helps cultivate calmness, sensitivity, and empathy.
Breathing though the right nostril is associated with the Sun energy.
This energy has a masculine quality that is nurturing, warming and protective. It helps cultivate vigor, alertness, willpower, concentration and readiness for action.
Alternate nostril breathing can also be used therapeutically. For example, if you have difficulty sleeping, then you may want to try sleeping on your right side and block off the right nostril. Breathing through the left nostril will bring about relaxation and you will be able to fall asleep. On the other hand, if you are tired and need a pick me up, you can breathe through the right nostril. This will raise your energy levels and stimulate the metabolism.
This breath sequence I am sharing with you below called the Basic Breath Series is a cleansing of the energetic body.
During the practice below keep being aware. You will learn to observe the different emotions and thinking patterns that arise with each type of breathing creates.
NOTE: Even though breathing is natural and essential, conscious breathing can be quite challenging. When you alter the breath rhythms you begin to oppose and release the habitual patters of emotion and attention that are coded in the habits of your body and mind. As these patters begin to alter, you may notice changes in concentration or interest. With practice you will gain a new sense of ease and control where you direct your mind.
Practice of Basic Breath Series
Be well,