Working with our circadian rhythms to help balance the emotions, get a quick lift in energy or use therapeutically.
Breath mainly enters the body through the nose and we acknowledge that we have two nostrils. If you pay attention to your breath you may notice that there is a dominant side at one given time and this shifts roughly every 2.5 hours. This phenomena becomes obvious when you are congested with mucus, we can only breathe through one nostril at a time, and it switches from one to the other throughout the day. The body’s biorhythms regulates itself automatically.
If you get involved and start breathing long and deep through one nostril at a time you can soothe the whole nervous system, generate calm and be energized at the same time.
Each nostril stimulates different parts of the brain. It can be used therapeutically to treat various behaviors and patterns.
In this episode I will reveal a key that will activate your healing response and possibly transform your life.
If you experience chronic stress, chronic tension and an anxious mind that has you drained and dis-empowered then you may want to read on.
Our stress response is part of the autonomic nervous system, more specifically the sympathetic nervous system. Stress is a natural response of the body to any threat or critical situation. We sometimes call this response the Fight or Flight. There is also a counterpart called the parasympathetic nervous system that is responsible for the relaxing, digesting and rejuvenating the body.
When stress becomes frequent, there is an imbalance that occurs in the body.
Awareness is our super power to create change. One of the gifts we have is our breath. It is what ancors us in the present. It is also the bridge that connects the mind and body together.
We are all born into this world with a deep breath and we will eventually die by taking a deep breath. We can say that life is held by this subtle thread of wind called the breath of life.
We do not not have to think about it because the body ensures of its survival. However, the moment you turn your attention to your breath, everything changes.
Have you ever held onto your breath? How long can you hold your breath for? More importantly, what happens in the process? Breath retention can actually be used therapeutically for managing anxiety and addictions. I will share more about his in a later episode.
Sat Kriya is the most powerful Kriya in Kundalini Yoga.
Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awareness. Yogi Bhajan said that Kundalini Yoga is a fast path to our radiance. He went on to say, ‘What can be accomplished in 3 years with a committed practice of Kundalini Yoga can also be attained with 20 years of Hatha Yoga.’ The questions is how come?
Has anyone every tell you how magnificent you are and you did not believe them?
What is the best way to express this to someone and have them really get that they are magnificent and accept it as truth?
This past weekends Body-Soul Healing Retreat was a manifestation of having a group of women acknowledge themselves as being magnificent and truly getting it.
Well in order for me to be the clearing for others magnificence, I had to be the clearing for myself first.
Your radiance is an inner beauty that shines through. It is subtle and is also perceivable by others. It gives off a feeling of comfort to those who are around you.
This week end I had the privilege to experience this comfort while being in the presence of someone. It is an uplifting, expansive feeling that is so beautiful.
Our Radiance is emitted by our Aura also known as our electromagnetic field. Scientist have acknowledged that our bodies are electrical organisms and since all the messages carried on our neural pathways are transmitted electrically, it results in our bodies having an electromagnetic field that emanates from it. It is this oval shell of energy, shimmering with light.
There are two ways we can expand our electromagnetic field.