Inspiring Wellbeing – Episode 4
They Key to controlling the mind
In this episode I will reveal a key that will activate your healing response and possibly transform your life.
If you experience chronic stress, chronic tension and an anxious mind that has you drained and dis-empowered then you may want to read on.
Our stress response is part of the autonomic nervous system, more specifically the sympathetic nervous system. Stress is a natural response of the body to any threat or critical situation. We sometimes call this response the Fight or Flight. There is also a counterpart called the parasympathetic nervous system that is responsible for the relaxing, digesting and rejuvenating the body.
When stress becomes frequent, there is an imbalance that occurs in the body. Breathing becomes a shallow with an upper chest breathing that is accompanied with an erratic rhythm. This contributes to further tension in the body affecting the muscular structure. In addition, emotional toxicity also accumulates in the muscular system trapping trauma and unexpressed emotions.
When there is tension is the muscles it acts like an armor.
Now, I mention in a previous session that that in order to change something you must be aware of it first. Awareness is cultivated by bringing your attention to the present and the breath is the best tool for this because it is forever in the present unlike the mind that likes to live in the past or future.
If the first key to change is Awareness, then the second key to change is Breath Control.
So, controlling the breath with proper breathing is a powerful access tool for healing. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system and enhances relaxation to the body releasing this armor for healing.
On average we breath 15-20 times per minute.
By controlling our breath and consciously reducing the frequency of breaths per minute, we encourage great benefits.
8 cycles per minute:
Feeling more relaxed
Increase mental awareness
Parasympathetic nervous system begins to be influenced
4 cycles per minute:
Healing process is activated
Intense feelings of awareness
Heightened body sensitivity
Glandular system receptivity
Now I invite you to practice the meditation for stress relief. This will guide you through slowing the breath down. If it is not comfortable, know that you can adjust your breathing ratio making it a little faster if needed (3-3-3). Keeping your breathing to less than 8 cycles per minute.
If you have any questions, please reach out. This is a such a powerful healing practice, please share with your friends and family so we can cultivate a strong and healthy community.
Be Well,