Inspiring Wellbeing - Episode 5

I am introducing a new key that will help in your self-healing and personal empowerment.

The navel:

The navel area is also known as the solar plexus. If the sun is the center of our solar system, it’s radiant and life sustaining so is our solar plexus. Here we find the digestive system. We can imagine the digestive system as a furnace with a strong fire that disintegrates everything, breaking down the food we eat into single particles that the body can then absorb as nutrients and building blocks for nourishment and repair. We need a strong fire in our stomach for optimal digestion and health.

Now we are emotional beings and our emotions play a role on our ability to digest effectively. When we are stressed, digestion is put on hold. Our sympathetic nervous system stops digestion and relocates the resources to our fight or flight response. So it is important to know that it is not recommend to eat when you are emotional or upset. This will just add to poor digestion of our mean and overtime this can lead to nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivity, allergies and so on.

The other thing I want to share about emotions is that when the energy is not expressed, it will get trapped in our energy field. When emotions are suppressed or unexpressed, they get trapped in the body. I mentioned in a previous episode that emotions have an affinity with certain organs and body parts and will get trapped in those areas. Just like anger affects the liver and vise versa. Accumulated stress accumulate in the lower part of the body. In the subconscious. Any trapped emotion causes a debris that interferes with the energetic communication pathways. Emotional disturbances affect our health and are at the source of 90% of disease.  

My job as a Vibrational Therapist is to help people clear the emotional debris from the body so the body is empowered to find balance and heal. There are practices that you can do to help in the release of emotional debris.  

Laughing as medicine.

Studies show that laughing has a positive effect on the body and our wellbeing. Raising endorphins which are the feel good hormones that makes us happy, it boosts the immune system and helps in relaxing the body. A whole yoga has been created called laughter Yoga to help promote daily laughter.

Yogis’ have known for ages that pulsating the navel promotes health. Just like laughing the act of pulsating the navel massages the organs, enhances digestion, and the immune system. Energetically, it help release trapped emotional debris.

You can practice this technique, it just required a little coordination. Pull the belly in and push it out. If you want to take it further, you can prime the navel on a retained breath. Inhale, hold and pump as many times as you can, Exhale and relax.  You can do this a few times in the morning on an empty stomach. It is a great way to start the day.

For a more formal practice, you can do Sat Kriya. The video will guide you in the practice. You only need to practice 3 minutes to gain the benefits. It is also important to rest 2 minutes after your practice to allow the body to integrate the effects.

Here are some of the benefits of Sat Kriya are:

  • It tones the nervous system

  • Calms emotions disarray and mental disturbances

  • Improves digestive troubles

  • Helps in transcending fears

  • And channels creative energy

Happy Practicing,

Be Well,
