Posts tagged kundalini yoga
Inspiring Wellbeing - Episode 5

The navel area is also known as the solar plexus. If the sun is the center of our solar system, it’s radiant and life sustaining so is our solar plexus. Here we find the digestive system. We can imagine the digestive system as a furnace with a strong fire that disintegrates everything, breaking down the food we eat into single particles that the body can then absorb as nutrients and building blocks for nourishment and repair. We need a strong fire in our stomach for optimal digestion and health.

Now we are emotional beings and our emotions play a role on our ability to digest effectively. When we are stressed, digestion is put on hold. Our sympathetic nervous system stops digestion

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Cultivating Radiance

Your radiance is an inner beauty that shines through. It is subtle and is also perceivable by others. It gives off a feeling of comfort to those who are around you.

This week end I had the privilege to experience this comfort while being in the presence of someone. It is an uplifting, expansive feeling that is so beautiful.

Our Radiance is emitted by our Aura also known as our electromagnetic field. Scientist have acknowledged that our bodies are electrical organisms and since all the messages carried on our neural pathways are transmitted electrically, it results in our bodies having an electromagnetic field that emanates from it. It is this oval shell of energy, shimmering with light.

There are two ways we can expand our electromagnetic field.

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