Posts tagged healing
Forgiveness is the Miracle of Healing

It was 2010. I was curious about the experience of being fully immersed in mediation. I asked, then the answer came. There is an international meditation organization with meditation centers all over the world. I looked them up and to my amazement, there was a center 40 minutes from my home. Wow, I want to try this. Ten full consecutive days in silence. I wondered what that would be like?

February 2010 was my first experience. It was a lot easier than I had expected. It was in this sitting that I learned that the mind and body are connected. What I mean by this is that all of our thoughts, experiences and sufferings are all recorded in the body. It’s as if the body is a large repository of our thoughts.

We would sit on and off for ten hours every day. After seven days, I started to observe

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What is in the way of your Magnificence?

Has anyone every tell you how magnificent you are and you did not believe them?

What is the best way to express this to someone and have them really get that they are magnificent and accept it as truth?

This past weekends Body-Soul Healing Retreat was a manifestation of having a group of women acknowledge themselves as being magnificent and truly getting it.

Well in order for me to be the clearing for others magnificence,  I had to be the clearing for myself first.

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Cultivating Radiance

Your radiance is an inner beauty that shines through. It is subtle and is also perceivable by others. It gives off a feeling of comfort to those who are around you.

This week end I had the privilege to experience this comfort while being in the presence of someone. It is an uplifting, expansive feeling that is so beautiful.

Our Radiance is emitted by our Aura also known as our electromagnetic field. Scientist have acknowledged that our bodies are electrical organisms and since all the messages carried on our neural pathways are transmitted electrically, it results in our bodies having an electromagnetic field that emanates from it. It is this oval shell of energy, shimmering with light.

There are two ways we can expand our electromagnetic field.

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Welcome to numa

Welcome to my first blog Ever!!

I am so excited to reach out to you this way to share my well-being journey with you. My intention is to share life tips and strategies based on my own experiences and successes. I hope they inspire you to live an empowered life filled with health and wellbeing.

For my first blog, I want to introduce you to what numa and the pillars of health and what kind of gems you can expect to find here.

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