It was at the end of 2010, when I heard a voice loud and clear in my head. It said, “It is time to sit consistently every day.” Ah, okay, I will start January 3rd, after the holidays have passed and I can focus on getting up early every morning. I will start with 40 days and go from there.
There were a few things I needed to figure out. Where will I sit? I chose to sit in my office in the basement. I had a beautiful pillar candle made of beeswax which I lit with every sitting. I purchased a meditation cushion. I decided which technique of meditation I would practice for my 40 days. What time of day would I practice? Since I had young children, the only time that would work for me was before the day started. So I chose 4:30 am.
Now, how on earth was I going to get out of bed at 4:30 EVERY morning? I decided to
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